Doctors including surgeons are required investigate a patents condition; provide a real cause of problem based on. Failure to correctly diagnose, carry out test, accurate assessment of any health problems in order to provide right course of treatment is grounds for medical malpractice. Simply confirming the presence of a gallstone through ultrasound does not provide clear diagnosis for removing gallbladders. Investigation tests can include:
Trans abdominal ultrasonography,
Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS),
Cholescintigraphy (HIDA scan),
Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP)
“Gallstones are sometimes implicated as the source of symptoms in patients with dyspepsia. However, such an association should be made cautiously, since gallstones may silently coexist in patients with dyspepsia, and other causes of dyspepsia are more common.”
Dr David Maplesden, Medical Advisor, Health and Disability Commissioner
“A significant number continue to experience symptoms (PCS) and thus patients should be thoroughly assessed and evaluated preoperatively. Furthermore, the presence of dyspepsia in a patient with gallstones does not automatically imply that the gallstones are the cause. Patients should be advised of both the risks of surgery and the risk of postoperative persistence of symptoms.”
S.S.JaunooS.MohandasL.M.Almond. Postcholecystectomy syndrome (PCS) [ScienceDirect]
Right 4, Right to services of an appropriate standard
(Right 4(1)), and right to have services provided in a manner that minimised the potential harm to her, and optimised her quality of life
(Right 4(4)) Every consumer has the right to have services provided in a manner that minimises the potential harm to, and optimises the quality of life of, that consumer.
Right 6(1)) Every consumer has the right to the information that a reasonable consumer, in that consumer’s circumstances, would expect to receive, including (a) an explanation of his or her condition; and
Failure to appropriately investigate heath complications breaches patient rights under the Code, in particular her right to have services provided with reasonable care and skill/ Further reading : HDC investigation incorrect diagnosis for treatment